Our Mission Statement
The mission of Cedar Harmony Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is to create acapella barbershop music through a sisterhood that brings joy, touches hearts, and enriches lives through performances and competition.
In addition to performing, another great passion of ours is learning more about the art of acapella singing. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals, and a very important component of the chorus experience.
In the spring of every year, Cedar Harmony Chorus participates in the Sweet Adelines International, Spirit of the Midwest Region 5 chorus competition. Getting ready for competition is a huge part of our year. Once our director decides what we will sing, the race is on. We have been very fortunate, over the years to come home with medals to validate our singing but our memories of the planning, the rehearsals, and all the fun we have experienced for that one yearly weekend will live with us long after the medals have been carefully put away in a drawer. Our love for this music, this friendship, this feeling is the one true feeling that keeps us going and we love every ringing chord we sing.
Most choruses have a number of members who form their own quartets in addition to singing with the chorus. We currently have two wonderful quartets, and we are very proud of them! Head over to our Quartets section and learn more about the different groups.
Cedar Harmony Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, a not-for-profit organization of approximately 30,000 members worldwide. The Headquarters are in Tulsa, Oklahoma.